Highly Unusual 16th-17th C. Italian CHINQUEDIA Type Short Sword Dagger with a Very Strong Broad Blade Having a Unique Reinforced Armor-pierc
$2,500 - $4,500
Live Auction
Fine European & American Arms & Armor Collection
Highly Unusual 16th-17th C. Italian CHINQUEDIA Type Short Sword Dagger with a Very Strong Broad Blade Having a Unique Reinforced Armor-piercing Tip and Wonderful Chiseled Demonic Face to Ricasso. Fine Chiseled Steel Hilt with Gold Gilt Finish Throughout, Carved with Intricate Floral Scrolls & Beast Head Finials, Pommel is Adorned with an Image of the Demonic Creature Matching the One on the Blade. A Fascinating Early Example, Possibly Used for Satanic or Other Ocult Rituals. Total length (inside scabbard if present) : 19", Blade length : 13 3/4". DEAR BIDDERS, Please View More Detailed Close-Up Images by visiting our website - Sofedesignauctions.com ~ Thank you ! Detailed condition reports are not included in this catalog. For additional information, including condition reports, please contact us at info@sofedesignauctions.com